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Oct 132010

Is Perl pass by reference or pass by value?


(Edit: Thanks Matt for the feedback, I have updated the answer.)

It depends on how your function is implemented

See the code below:

package Dog;

sub new {
	my ($class, $name) = @_;
	my $self = { "name" => $name };
	bless $self, $class;
	return $self;

// Pass by value
sub Foo {
	my $d = shift;
	$d = new Dog("Another");

// Pass by reference
sub Bar {
	$_[0] = new Dog("Another");

my $d = new Dog("Peter");

Foo($d); // Pass by value, $d not changed, so it print out "Peter"
print $d->{"name"};

Bar($d); // Pass by reference, $d is changed, so it print out "Another"
print $d->{"name"};

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