Jan 212010
How to search man pages by keyword
Sometimes, you want to search for all commands related to mysql, for example
You can use the following command
# man -k mysql
Bundle::DBD::mysql (3pm) - A bundle to install Perl drivers for MySQL
DBD::mysql (3pm) - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
DBD::mysql::INSTALL (3pm) - How to install and configure DBD::mysql
innotop (1) - MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor.
msql2mysql (1) - convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
mysql (1) - the MySQL command-line tool
mysql_client_test (1) - test client API
mysql_client_test_embedded (1) - test client API for embedded server
mysql_config (1) - get compile options for compiling clients
All the related man pages will be shown.