Linux Ask!

Linux Ask! is a Q & A web site specific for Linux related questions. Questions are collected, answered and audited by experienced Linux users.

Feb 262010

How to sort a file by n-column


Suppose you have a CSV file:


How do you sort by the 2nd column?

Here is the command you need:

# sort -k2 input.txt -t ','

where -t ',' mean the comma separator, and -k2 mean the 2nd column.

Feb 222010

How to escape "-" character at the beginning of filename?


Assume you have file named -test.txt, if you want to print it out by the cat command:

# cat -test.txt
cat: invalid option -- '.'
Try `cat --help' for more information.

You will experienced the above error, similar errors will happen with commands such as mv, cp etc.

To correctly handle these kind of files that with file name start with the character -, you need to escape with --


#cat -- -test.txt