Print the first N bytes of a file in Linux
To print the first N bytes of a file in Linux, you can try the following method:
# head --byte 4 input.txt
The above command print the first 4 bytes of the file input.txt
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Print the first N bytes of a file in Linux
To print the first N bytes of a file in Linux, you can try the following method:
# head --byte 4 input.txt
The above command print the first 4 bytes of the file input.txt
Count the total number of logged in user
To count the total number of logged in user(s), use the following commands:
# who | wc -l
It shows currently there are 3 users logged in.
Add a user to group in Linux
To add a user to a group (supplementary), you can use the command below:
# useradd -G admin john
If you want to change the user's primary group, you can use
# useradd -g admin john
Add a User in Linux
Add a User in Linux, just use the useradd command:
# sudo useradd -d /home/john -m john
The above command will create the user john and create a home directory which is at /home/john
Make a file executable in Linux
Assume you have create a shell script,, you need to make this file executable, you can use the chmod command.
# chmod +x
Then you can execute the script directly
# ./