Batch resize images using imagemagick
When you've installed imagemagick, you can mass resize images using the "mogrify" command, e.g.
# mogrify -resize 320x240 *.jpg
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Batch resize images using imagemagick
When you've installed imagemagick, you can mass resize images using the "mogrify" command, e.g.
# mogrify -resize 320x240 *.jpg
Combine multiple images into a single image with ImageMagick
With the powerful ImageMagick program, we can easily handle common graphics tasks using command only.
For example, to combine multiple images into a single image, we need just one command:
# convert file1.jpg file2.jpg file3.jpg +append -quality 90 'output.jpg'
The above command (file1.jpg file2.jpg file3.jpg) into the file output.jpg with quality set to 90.
Create a transparent image using ImageMagick
You can use the following command to create an empty png file, using the ImageMagick.
# convert -size 100x100 xc:none empty.png
an empty png of size 100x100 will be created.
Convert HTML to image
Firstly, you need to install html2ps
# sudo apt-get install html2ps
Then install the ImageMagick
# sudo apt-get install imagemagick
Finally run the command:
# convert -density 72 input.html output.png