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Jan 272010

Create temporary table in MySQL


Temporary table is very useful when you need some tables for temporary storage, and they will be automatically removed when you disconnect from the MySQL server.


1. Create a temporary table

mysql> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test (id int); 

2. Insert some values

mysql> INSERT INTO test VALUES (1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO test VALUES (2);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

3. Query the table

mysql> SELECT * FROM test

| id   |
|    1 |
|    2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

4. Close the connection and the table will be automatically removed.

Jan 272010

How to connect MySQL without using password


1. Create a .my.cnf in your home folder

# vi ~/.my.cnf

2. Enter your MySQL login information and save the file.


3. Try typing mysql in shell and you should able to login automatically.

Jan 272010

How to rename database in MySQL


If you are using MyISAM storage engine, the easiest way is to take down the MySQL server and rename the database folder name.

Else, you can use the mysqldump tool, steps as following:

1. Export the database using mysqldump tool

# mysqldump -u root -p old_db > old_db.sql

2. Create a new database

# mysql -u root -p -e 'create database new_db'

3. Finally import into the new database

# cat old_db.sql |mysql -u root -p new_db
Jan 262010

Disable DNS hostname lookup in MySQL


If you never use MySQL authentication by hostname, it is better to disable the DNS hostname lookup for better performance. Especially if you are always connecting from localhost, or authenticate remote host by IP address)

To disable this feature, edit the MySQL configurations, e.g. /etc/my.cnf


Add the "skip-name-resolve" will do the tricks for you.

Don't forget to restart MySQL to take effect.

# /sbin/service mysqld restart

Jan 212010

How to search man pages by keyword


Sometimes, you want to search for all commands related to mysql, for example

You can use the following command

 # man -k mysql

Bundle::DBD::mysql (3pm) - A bundle to install Perl drivers for MySQL
DBD::mysql (3pm)     - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
DBD::mysql::INSTALL (3pm) - How to install and configure DBD::mysql
innotop (1)          - MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor.
msql2mysql (1)       - convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
mysql (1)            - the MySQL command-line tool
mysql_client_test (1) - test client API
mysql_client_test_embedded (1) - test client API for embedded server
mysql_config (1)     - get compile options for compiling clients

All the related man pages will be shown.