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Linux Ask! is a Q & A web site specific for Linux related questions. Questions are collected, answered and audited by experienced Linux users.

Jul 132011

Alter all tables in MySQL


To alter all the tables in a given database in MySQL, e.g. change the storage engine, you can first generate the SQL statements using following method.

mysql> select CONCAT("Alter Table `", TABLE_SCHEMA,"`.`", TABLE_NAME, "` ENGINE = InnoDB") AS cmd from TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = "test";

It will print out the followings:

| cmd                                                            |
| Alter Table `test`.`foo`  ENGINE = InnoDB                      | 
| Alter Table `test`.`bar`  ENGINE = InnoDB                      | 

Then you can execute the above commands manually.

Jul 052011

Auto remove expired binary log in MySQL


If you have enabled the binary log in your MySQL server, you need to be aware that the log will use up the space of your local disk space. Old binary logs are generally not needed and you can auto remove expired entries from the binary log.

To do so, edit the MySQL configurations, e.g. /etc/my.cnf

expire_logs_days        = 60

The above configuration will auto remove entries in the binary old if they are older than 60 days.

Don't forget to restart MySQL to take effect.

# /sbin/service mysqld restart

Jun 252011

Updated the Slave binary log if the updates are received from a MySQL master


When the updates are received from a MySQL master to a slave, it will not be logged in the binary log of the slave server. Sometimes, you might want to enable it, for example, in order to setup a chained replication.

To do so, edit the MySQL configurations, e.g. /etc/my.cnf


Don't forget to restart MySQL to take effect.

# /sbin/service mysqld restart

Jun 072011

Perform XtraBackup and zip to a file


In the previous article, we have discussed how to perform a hot backup on InnoDB with XtraBackup , but is it possible to zip the result directly to a file?

Sure, you can use the wrapper script came with the XtraBackup - innobackupex

For example, to backup and zip the result files to zipped files, you can use:

# innobackupex --stream=tar ./ | gzip - > backup.tar.gz

May 222011

How to perform hot backup for InnoDB?


You can buy the official backup tool - "InnoDB Hot Backup" if you have the money. But you can also use the free alternative - the Percona XtraBackup

To download and install, you can refer to their web site:

To perform a quick and simple backup, you need:

# sudo xtrabackup --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf --backup --target-dir=/tmp/backup --datadir=/var/lib/mysql